Why has work become unpleasant?

Laima - A case of total jaw implantation

Music teacher Laima loves her job, to which she has dedicated more than 20 years. But in the last two or three years, she has begun to feel discomfort. At first, she thought that perhaps an unexpected creative crisis had arrived. When she started to analyse why she felt uncomfortable at work, she realised that her teeth were thinning behind all this depression. For some time, she had been avoiding a wide, conventional smile, and her psyche linked the cause of her frustration to her work.

As soon as Laima realised the real reason, she decided to take responsible action – she looked online for dentists, asked her friends and chose PAPADENT clinic.

During her first visit:

the condition of the teeth was assessed;
the removal of the remaining teeth in the upper jaw and the All-on-5 implant method were suggested.


The patient accepted the offer and the teeth were removed under anaesthesia at her next visit. 5 implants were placed and a temporary denture was fitted. Later on, Laima opted for a zirconia bridge to replace the temporary denture.
The music teacher has regained her creative and communicative joy, and we wish you not to wait so long before it becomes clear why life is no longer lovely. Won’t wait?

If so, we invite you for your first free visit.

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