What to do when the battle against tooth decay is lost?

Natalia's complexion after all 4 treatments


As a child, Natalia’s toothbrush wasn’t her best friend, but she believed it would keep her smile shining for years. As she grew up and faced reality, she changed her mind a little. She took care of her teeth as much as she could and as much as circumstances allowed. She regrets a little that she did not pay more attention to oral hygiene. However, dental facilities were poorer before. However, the result is clear: caries has become more difficult to manage in old age.

Papadent’s specialists assessed the condition of the damaged teeth and saw that some of them were covered with old crowns, so they decided to make some serious changes. And Natalia agreed. During treatment:

16 teeth were removed from both jaws;
10 implants inserted;
All-on-4 in the lower jaw and All-on-6 in the upper jaw.

A lot of hard work has been done. Natalia is delighted with the excellent result. Now she will be able to smile with confidence not only at her loved ones, but also at her colleagues and friends. She will also often remind her grandchildren how important it is to take care of their teeth from an early age.
If caries in your mouth is also spreading unstoppably, don’t wait any longer. There is always a solution. Contact us now.

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