Professional sport has its price

Igor - Full jaw implant case

It’s no secret that active athletes suffer a variety of injuries to their bodies. Sometimes due to a lack of attention, sometimes due to unreasonable physical capabilities. Igor, a globe-trotting kickboxer, has spent many years in the ring since he was a teenager. Unfortunately, they came with unpleasant consequences.

Some of the upper teeth were missing, some of the remaining teeth were decayed and had lost their natural colour, so PAPADENT specialists suggested removing them. Under anaesthesia, implants were inserted and a full jaw prosthesis with up to 7 implants was fitted!

Returning after 8 months, the athlete opted for a rhinoplasty and told us that he has been training the youngsters for six months now and has been focusing much more on the precision of their movements, emphasising the importance of their teeth and health.

Whatever your story – whether you’re a sportsman, retired, or just lost part of your teeth for your own reasons – don’t bother hiding from people. PAPADENT specialists will be happy to give you back your beautiful smile and tell you how to take care of your oral hygiene. We are waiting for your call!


Unpleasant consequences of sport? 😬


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