Is the inside really more important than the outside?

A musician and teacher, Rimas put his talents above everything else and focused on his inner world. He simply breathed creativity and sought to impress others. Unfortunately, with little concern for himself, he began to notice the strange looks from his students and others. Once, in order to inspire more optimism in himself, Rimas looked at himself honestly in the mirror, smiled broadly and realised that his smile did not fit in with his creative world.

When Rimas learned about the dental services and innovations provided by Papadent’s qualified staff, he decided to apply immediately.

After assessing the current state of his teeth, we suggested removing a few teeth with their roots and using the All-on-4 technique. The patient agreed and waited for the desired result.

What work have we done?

  • We removed two teeth with roots on each side of the upper jaw.
    We used the All-on-4 technique.
    We placed 1 additional implant.
    After a few months, we replaced the temporary denture with a permanent zirconia denture.
    We adjusted the colour and shape.


Rimas was pleased with the aesthetic appearance and the functionality of the prosthesis. Now he feels confident not only inside but also outside.

Take care of yourself too! Papadent dental specialists are here to help.

Take care of your inner and outer harmony! And we will help you regain your self-confidence.

✅ Missing one or more teeth? See our promotions ČIA

✅ More about dantų implantus ir dantų implantacijos procedūrą ČIA


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