Prosthetics for children

Does your child already have permanent teeth?

Has your child already had root canal treatment?

If YES, then it is likely that you can benefit from a benefit of up to EUR 1,727.20 from the Territorial Health Insurance Fund for the cost of dentures for children until they reach the age of 18 years.

Why is it important to hurry?

After root canal treatment, the removal of the nerve usually leaves a defect, does not restore the filling, and results in faster breakage and removal of the tooth. Children who already have permanent teeth are very quickly confronted with their first dental problems. One of the most common is that the first teeth are already filled in the primary grades, the fillings crumble and fall off over time, and the teeth start to crack.

In this case, we offer your little ones dentures, where the teeth are replaced with overlays, in other words, ceramic fillings made in a dental laboratory. The teeth are placed one at a time, as children under 18 years of age are still forming their bite.

How much does it cost?

For children up to 18 years of age, the Territorial Patients’ Fund pays up to EUR 1 724.10 for dentures. Children do not have to wait in a queue for dentures, but receive the compensation within about a month of filling in the application form.

What should I do?

  1. Register for a free consultation at Papadent Dental Clinic by phone +370 699 99911 or by e-mail
  2. Arrive for an appointment so that the dentists can examine the children’s teeth and assess the situation.
  3. If prosthetics are needed, register with a referral at the clinic assigned to you.
  4. Fill in a claim for reimbursement of the cost of dentures with the Territorial Health Insurance Fund.
  5. After receiving a letter from the Territorial Health Insurance Fund within about one month, go to the Papadent dental clinic within three months to have your children’s teeth replaced.

    We work with the territorial Patient Funds of Vilnius, Kaunas, Panevėžys, Šiauliai and Klaipėda.

Prosthetics are:

  • Overlays to restore tooth function when it is decayed, endodontic root canal treatment;
  • Crowns, when a cap is not enough and most of the tooth needs to be restored;
  • Implants, when a tooth is removed and an implant is threaded in its place (the child’s jawbone must be formed before the implant is placed).