Beligature braces

Beligature braces – What makes them special?

We currently do not provide orthodontic treatment

Straightening teeth has always been an issue, but it was not until the early 19th century that braces were introduced. The first braces were developed in 1819, and improvements in dental straightening technology have been made over the years, so that modern braces are very different from their predecessors. Today, patients have the choice of metal, ceramic, sapphire, tongue and groove or beligature braces: the type of braces is chosen according to the patient’s dental condition and financial means. However, it should be noted that beligature braces have been chosen more and more often recently, and there are good reasons for this. It is therefore useful to know what the most important features of these braces are and when this teeth straightening technology can be used.

Straightening teeth with beligature braces

Bligature braces have an arch-locking mechanism that is like a “door”: once the braces are in place, the “door” is simply closed. Very thin arches are used at the start of the straightening process to ensure that the patient does not have to experience much discomfort. The profile of the braces is slightly higher than that of other orthodontic appliances, which means that no additional fixation of the arch is needed (which is why it is easier for the patient to take care of dental hygiene). The straightening of the teeth is faster with beligature braces than with other orthodontic appliances, which is why they are often chosen by very busy people.

Advantages and disadvantages of beligature braces

Like other orthodontic appliances, braces have their advantages and disadvantages, so evaluating them can help you make a better decision:

  • Choosing beligature braces means fewer and shorter visits to the dental clinic;
  • Teeth are straightened faster than with other orthodontic appliances;
  • Less discomfort: less damage to the mucous membranes and easier oral hygiene than with other types of braces;
  • Orthodontic treatment sometimes avoids tooth extraction;
  • Beligature braces can be used for both children and adults;
  • These orthodontic appliances look more aesthetic than other types of braces;
  • The cost of beligature braces is higher than other types of braces.

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When can beligature braces be used?

As already mentioned, beligature braces are often chosen when the aim is to keep visits to the dental clinic as infrequent as possible (this is the case for people living abroad or who are very busy). While normal braces require a visit to the dental clinic every 4-6 weeks or so, with beligature braces you will need to plan for fewer visits – every 6-8 weeks. Although the choice of braces is often much more attractive than other orthodontic appliances, this type of braces is not prescribed in all cases. The most appropriate orthodontic treatment is highly individual and should be discussed with your orthodontist first. These teeth straightening appliances are usually prescribed when patients want a faster and more effective straightening of their teeth and a more aesthetic appearance during the straightening period, but it is important to appreciate that the cost of braces is higher than other types of orthodontic appliances.

Maintenance of beligature braces

Every patient who has been prescribed braces needs to take care of their braces properly, so there are some important rules to follow:
– Regular dental clinic visits must be scheduled – if you miss them, the duration of your teeth straightening may become longer;
– Brush your teeth in the morning and evening with special brushes and floss;
– Avoid very hard and sticky foods;
– Follow the recommendations of your orthodontist.

Sign up for a consultation

Although it is always recommended to start straightening teeth as early as possible, adults can also expect excellent results. If you dream of straight teeth, book an orthodontic consultation: a specialist will assess the condition of your teeth and create a treatment plan. With braces, you can expect much quicker results, so this type of treatment can work really often.